The coin would then be deposited at the Federal Reserve, allowing the government to continue paying its bills even without fresh congressional authority to borrow more money, said backers of the idea. 该构想的支持者表示,这些铂币接着将被存入美联储,令美国政府得以继续支付账单即便国会并未授权借入更多资金。
With an analysis of the formulation mechanism of Japanese real estate foam and the current development of China's real estate, China is supposed to carry out a regulation policy: Central Bank ought to adjust the legal rate of deposited reserve cautiously; 通过对日本房地产泡沫的生成机理及我国房地产发展现状的分析,我国对房地产政策的调控应做到:央行慎重调整法定存款准备金率;
Interest has been decreased successively, deposited reserve has also been lowered, and rediscount and reloan from PBC has been enlarged, etc. 如连续降低存贷款利率,调低商业银行存款准备金率,灵活运用窗口指导政策、扩大再贴现和中央银行再贷款规模等。
An Analysis of Diversified Legal Deposited Reserve System of China 浅议我国的法定存款准备金制度
The Innovation of Financial Supervision from the Point of the Criterion of Diversified Legal Deposited Reserve Rates 从差别存款准备金率制度看金融监管创新